We are thrilled to have another CRRA Conference under our belt. At the largest CRRA Conference to date, we are so glad to have been able to chat with so many folks— some revisiting from last year, and some for the first time! Additionally, we are overjoyed to have sparked some new interest in our Sure-LOC™️ and our Pilot Program. We heard one thing loud and clear across the board in our conversations at the conference:

Contamination is the main focus!
There are policies in place where after three "oops tags" for contamination are given, fines can be implemented, but users are continuously saying that they did not cause the contamination. We found that haulers and inspectors alike are realizing that if the carts were secured at the curb, the customer would be the only possible source of contamination and thus, fines could be charged which would lead to increased compliance rates.

Our Sure-LOC™️ with patented GravityPLUS technology is the cart lock for an evolving sustainability industry. Our lock ensures that organics waste and recyclables stay secure and preventing contamination by staying locked when knocked over by wind or off of a curb. The only way in is intentional— either by using the button or keyed entry or by dumping.
AND... we want to help you implement our lock in your communities with our Pilot Program. To learn more, or to download an application, click below!