As they say, “the devil is in the details”.
Organics collection programs have been available for food businesses (i.e., restaurants and grocery stores) for some time, but a key objective of SB1383 is to also address non-food businesses such as retail stores and offices. While each of these business generators maybe insignificant on their own, together they represent a substantial portion of the organic material in the waste stream. This type of generator also presents unique challenges because they typically require smaller containers.
For the smaller, “non-food” organics generators, organics are collected in smaller containers placed in locations such as break rooms and kitchenettes. These containers are left unlocked because easy access is important. When you are trying to change employee behavior to start separating organics and disposing of them in the right container, the last thing you want to do is put a lock in the way!
But what happens when you put that unlocked container on the street on the weekly collection day? It quickly becomes an attractive nuisance – especially in areas with high homeless populations. Entities across the state are discovering that individuals are getting into these easy-to-open containers in search of food. They often create messes and leave litter around the collection areas. More significantly, they are exposing themselves to potential disease and illnesses if they consume the organic waste.
To complicate the problem, when businesses try to solve this problem with hasps and wires and padlocks, they interfere with the collection process. Padlocks make it impossible for the hauler to open the container to inspect the material (as is often required) and ultimately to empty the container in the truck.
At Serio-US Lock, we have been in the business of securing the waste stream for over 30 years with innovative devices that maximize security while facilitating efficient collection operations.
We designed our unique, patented Sure-Loc with small “non-food” organics generator in mind by providing the features required at each point of the process: easy access while in the business, security while at the curb, automatic opening when lifted by the truck:
The Sure-Loc is a keyed lock to keep homeless out
The keyed lock is easily disabled when the container is located in the business so that employees will have easy access – as if there wasn’t even a lock!
The keyed lock is easily re-engaged with the flip of a trigger when the container is placed in the unprotected collection area
Haulers are provided with master keys so that they can open and inspect the contents as needed prior to dumping
The Sure-Loc is automatic, so haulers do NOT need a key – when the container is dumped by the truck, the gravity device automatically unlocks the container
The Sure-Loc is smart-- it knows the difference between being dumped by a truck and being knocked over and will remain locked if knocked over in ANY direction!
To learn more about the Sure-Loc’s unique, patented features, simply click this link or send an email to sales@seriouslock.com.